Lands and Natural Resources
Wiikwemkoong A’Ki Miinwaa Enoodewziimgak Genwendgik
(Wikwemikong Department of Lands and Natural Resources) is inherently responsible for all matters related to land management, protection of our waters and natural resources of Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve and its territories within the Great Lakes.
The Department of Lands and Natural Resources will facilitate the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to lands stewardship by working towards a balanced approach between individual and collective community interests.
The Department of Lands and Natural Resources will facilitate the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to lands stewardship by working towards a balanced approach between individual and collective community interests.
To reclaim our rightful stewardship for the lands, waters, environment and natural resources consistent with the traditional beliefs and practices of the Anishnabek people of Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve.
Over the past 5 years, the department has progressed from its initial responsibility of managing Land Registration under the Indian Act to now encompassing:
Lands (RLEMP)
The Department manages and administers the land registration system under Indigenous Service Canada’s Regional Land & Environment Program (RLEMP). Transactions ranging from transfers, allotments, leases, permits and environmental planning for the 54,000 hectare land base of Wiikwemkoong and Point Grondine.
Land Use Planning
Surveying unit that completes Estate surveys as part of an Alternative Surveying Pilot Project between ISC and Natural Resources Canada-Surveyor General Branch. Initiated in 2015, the project is now being modeled to other First Nations under a limited scope. The Unit also provide land technical services (Survey Assistance, Geographic Information System, topographic surveys)
Species at Risk
Responsible for the gathering of data, monitoring and managing of federally list Species at Risk. Also, collected for information purposes is the Provincially listed SAR. Also part of the program is the monitoring of medicinal plants that are known to be found on Wiikwemkoong, Point Grondine and the Islands.
Estates Program
Program in place to provide details on Estate administration to community members via workshops or toolkits. The program also assists community members with “Creating a Will”, assistance/direction with the appointment of an administrator and execution of a will on behalf of a deceased family member.
New Relationship
Resources Coordinator- Responsible for the development and relationship building between Wiikwemkoong and the Province or Industry as it pertains to Mining, Agriculture, Fisheries or other natural/non-renewable resources. The program also provides engagement opportunities in traditional harvesting of foods and resources.
Forestry (On Reserve Forest Management)
Monitors forest harvesting activities on Wiikwemkoong and assist community members with issues related to bear concerns.
Forestry (Off Reserve – Crown Land-Sustainable Forest Licence – N’Swakamok Forestry Corp.)
Wiikwemkoong is the managing authority of the overlapping forest licence on the Sudbury Forest on behalf of the 5 First Nations that hold ownership to N’Swakamok Forestry Corporation (Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, Dokis FN, Henvey Inlet FN, Wahnapitae FN and Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory).
Oil and Gas Well Re-abandonment
In collaboration with Indian Oil & Gas Canada, responsible for the re-abandonment of the numerous oil wells on Wiikwemkoong. To date, 23 oil wells have been re-abandoned to current industry standards to prevent any further leakage to the local environment.
Forest Resource Inventory Program
The program operates as a revenue source department for the Department of Lands & Natural Resources since 2010 and serves clients such as the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Forest resource inventory work done for our clients encompasses field calibration plots and photo interpretation of data related to lands within the Area of Undertaking in the Province of Ontario. Our Geographic Information Systems (GIS) captures, stores, analyzes and distributes spatial forest data to our clients.
Wiikwemkoong Specific Islands Claim
Program assigned to conduct all work required in the negotiations of the Wiikwemkoong 41 Islands Claim with Ontario and Canada. Such work includes assisting in negotiations, providing technical advice to the negotiating table and providing regular community updates to our community members both On-Reserve and Off-Reserve.
Contact Us
705 859-3800
705 859-3772