Ontario Works
The Wiikwemkoong Ontario Works (OW) office has the responsibility of delivering the provincial Ontario Works program; there are two forms of assistance under the Ontario Works program; basic financial assistance and employment assistance.
Basic financial assistance includes income assistance provided for purposes of basic needs and shelter, mandatory and discretionary benefits, and emergency assistance.
Employment assistance includes supports and services aimed at increasing the participant’s employability and/or quality of life. This includes education/basic training, life and home skill development, parenting programs, certificate training and on-the-job training opportunities (community placement or employment placement). Many of these activities are coordinated as a collaborative effort between various community organizations/departments.
In addition to the two core functions identified within the provincial program, the Wiikwemkoong OW office also manages the following programs: Employment Experience, Informal Child Care, Addiction Services Initiative (ASI), Low Income Assistance Program and Funerals and Burials.
Employment Supports Program
In addition to providing temporary financial assistance to those community members in need, Ontario Works (OW) also organizes activities and partners with community organizations in efforts to increase OW participants’ employability and quality of life; this can include education/basic training, life and home skill development, parenting programs, certificate training and on-the-job training opportunities (CP or EE).
Support Services Available
Workshops & Training Opportunities
Community Placement (CP) Program
The CP program is a volunteer work placement which allows participants to gain valuable work experience, build basic networks, gain resume references and provides the opportunity of contributing to the community.
Participants receive an incentive of $3.50 per hour for a maximum of 70 hours a month. This incentive does not get deducted from the participant’s social assistance benefit.
Family Support Worker (FSW)
The FSW will assist clients in taking whatever action is necessary to pursue financial support from persons with a legal obligation to provide it.
As of February 1, 2017, child support payments are fully exempt as income and do not impact a person’s eligibility for assistance. Spousal support is not exempt and is still considered income.
FSW will also assist clients with outstanding Family Responsibility Office (FRO) arrears by acting as a liaison between FRO and the client(s).
Employment Experience (EE)
The EE program is a wage subsidy program that provides Ontario Works participants with on-the- job training and work experience through a paid placement.
Eligibility Review Officer (ERO)
The ERO investigates complaints of fraud allegations received from either external or internal sources. The ERO conducts a comprehensive investigation which includes verification of information and/or statements from individuals. The result of the
investigation determines eligibility.
Addiction Services Initiative (ASI)
The Addiction Services Initiative (ASI) is an Ontario Works Program that is a targeted employment assistance activity designed to help participants whose substance abuse is a barrier to participation in employment and/or employment related activities.
ASI Eligibility
To be eligible for the ASI program, you must:
ASI Services
Contact Us
Wiikwemkoong Main Office
ASI Office