Health and Social Well Being
Health and Social Well Being Committee
Naandwechige-Gamig-Wikwemikong Health Centre
Our Vision
Holistic well-being of the community.
Our Mission
To provide access of all opportunities of traditional and western health care to the community.
Our History
On July 11th, 1988 the NAANDWECHIGE-GAMIG Wikwemikong Health Centre opened its doors to the community. In 1994, Health Canada transferred most of the services to Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve (WUIR). All services provided at the Health Centre can be provided in both our Native language and English to serve all members of the community.
Our Shield – House of Healing
This shield is a one hundred and fifty year old replica of the Medicine Shield used by Medicine Men and Women of the Wabanowin Medicine Society of the Odawa tribes.
The circle represents the entire universe with the all-knowing Thunderbird at the top as the representative of the Great Spirit. The Thunderbird was entrusted with the knowledge and ability to look after the well-being of the Odawa’s, Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and physically (holistic).
Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services
Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services will honour and support our families and communities inherent authority to care for their children based on unity, traditions, values, beliefs and customs.
Mission Statement
Our services ensure children are protected and stay connected with their culture, language and community while strengthening family and community relationships.
Wikwemikong Nursing Home
Providing Long Term Care services in our community and promoting the path for our Elders to their fullest potential.
Our Mission
Ngwaagan Gamig Recovery Centre Inc. is dedicated to the delivery of culturally-based addictions treatment and prevention services.
Vision Statement
To empower individuals and families toward a healthy lifestyle, healing and wellness, through education and utilizing cultural holistic approaches.
Community Living Wikwemikong Anishinabek
Community Living Wikwemikong Anishinabek is a non-profit organization that brings people living with a developmental disability and their communities together.
Code of Ethics
As an employee of the Community Living Wikwemikong Anishinabek, I will conduct myself in a manner in accordance with the Teachings of the Seven Grandfathers.
Nookomisnaang – Shelter
(Wikwemikong Shelter for Victims of Family Violence)
Mission Statement
To provide a safe haven for individuals seeking safety and protection from family violence. To foster encouragement towards wellness.
“We share, we dare, we care”
Vision Statement
Nookomisnaang will provide a wholistic atmosphere to help people reconnect to their wellness journeys.
Value Statement
Nookomisnaang believes Anishinaabe aadzowin empowers and supports self, family and community wellness.
The Wikwemikong Shelter will provide:
Safety, protection and shelter, in a supportive healing environment; intervention and wholistic crisis counselling (group or individual) for victims of family violence (women or men with children, women, men, youth, families), Traditional Teaching Circles; an understanding of the cycles of violence;
promotion of health and personal self care for wellness, prevention of family violence; referral and advocacy while they are in Transition
Aftercare Family Support
This program will focus on the aftercare of family violence by offering a wholistic framework to address the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. This will occur through counselling (group or individual); support; traditional teaching circles; and advocacy, for those service users who have been or continue to be affected by the impacts of family violence.